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You’re Invited to Impact 100’s member volunteer opportunity to support YES Home, 2023 Impact 100 Grant awardee on Saturday, August 24, 2024.

Sign up to be a part of the Impact 100 members supporting the YES (Youth Encouragement Services) Home as a volunteer team! We have an opportunity to work alongside Amy and other YES Home staff/board members to help with some projects on the grounds – a new coat of paint on their sign; weeding, maintenance and care of several landscaping beds needing attention, and staining of floorboards on an outdoor wooden deck area. We can bring up to 20 volunteers that day! The YES Home is in Aurora, IN. The week prior we’ll send emails to those who’ve signed up to potentially match up those interested to carpool. Volunteers should wear work clothes and sun protection for outdoor tasks (hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, etc.). Please bring gardening gloves and gardening hand tools.

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